E-type gauntlet panels

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#1 E-type gauntlet panels

Post by tinworm » Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:21 am

Just thought as I was dragging these items out from storage whether anyone wanted a photo of the differences between the various gauntlet panels.
The photos comprise - '63-'64 'crossed' alloy panel
'64 3.8 - '68? 4.2 steel panel (seen trimmed)
'68 on (S1.5 ?) and S2 steel panel in silver paint (not known if this is original finish)
The steel late 3.8-4.2 panel is the identical shape to the alloy type . The S2 panel is quite a bit different.
I will sell two of these and will put the ad in wanted /for sale (I am keeping the 3.8-4.2 one)

regards Barrie
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1968 E-type roadster, 1964 E-type fixed head 1995 Ferrari 355 1980 Ferrari 308 1987 V8 90 Landrover 1988 Bedford rascal van 1943 Ford GPW

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