Proper wiring layout for a Series 2 under Bonnet

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#1 Proper wiring layout for a Series 2 under Bonnet

Post by CompassRDB » Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:10 pm

I am detailing my S2 engine... have removed and cleaned up nearly all components and now am working through the wiring... car had Factory AC which has been removed... trying to remove remaining wiring that is just hanging or at least bundle it up so it looks "finished". I have downloaded lots of pictures to see who wiring harness and off shoots are properly positioned... but can't really see very well how the off shoots are lead and secured... can anyone provide detailed pictures of how the wiring (which currently looks like a rats nest) should be routed?
1970 S2 OTS
1963 TR-4 (owned since 1980 under going frame off restoration)
2001 330 CIC

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