BW12 Vacuum Modulator Valve Removal

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#1 BW12 Vacuum Modulator Valve Removal

Post by andrewk » Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:56 pm

Dear All,

I hope someone can give me a little advice please -

I need to replace my Series 3's vacuum modulator valve from the Borg Warner Model 12 box. I'm fairly sure its failed as I've had a loss of fluid, slip gear on reverse and an acrid smell out of the exhaust.

The problem is I just can't seem to unscrew it from the body of the box, its like it is welded in. I've got a slim enough spanner and I've even dried tapping it with a mallet, however it just won't budge. I'm worried too that too much force might sheer it off.

Any tips or advice will be gladly appreciated.

Kind regards,
73, OTS

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