Tailgate Prop, Receiving Bracket – Early 4.2 FHC.

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Phil P
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#1 Tailgate Prop, Receiving Bracket – Early 4.2 FHC.

Post by Phil P » Wed May 15, 2024 6:54 pm

I’m currently working on the prop for the tailgate which is the one attached to the door and not the folding type.

When I bought the car, the bracket attached to the body that receives the prop was missing and I’ve now bought a new one which isn’t quite what I expected. It’s PN BD21281 as opposed to the BD21732 shown in the Spare Parts Catalogue (SPC).

1. The 4.2 SPC for my early car lists the bracket and set screw but doesn’t list a nut. As a result, I thought that the bracket may be tapped to accept the screws but in fact it has plain holes.

2. BD21732 not found on SNGB

3. BD21732 available from Robey’s but is the same as I’ve been supplied by SNGB.

I’ve looked in the 3.8 SPC at a late serial number and that shows it fitted with nuts. Can anyone help with an explanation before I attach the bracket with set screw, nut and washer as for the 3.8.
Many thanks,

4.2 S1

3.8 S1
Phil P
1965 4.2 FHC

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