setting track-rod ball-joint tension: dry or greased?

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#1 setting track-rod ball-joint tension: dry or greased?

Post by Philippe-J. » Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:53 am

Hi all!

I am currently restoring the steering rack and I have a question about setting track-rod ball-joint tension.
As mentioned here years ago, the manuals state:
"Attach a spring balance to the outer ball joint (track-rod end) and adjust the ball housing until the tie rod will articulate under a load of 7 lbs. (3.18 Kg) applied at the spring balance. Fully tighten the housing locknut and secure in position by bending the tabs of the washer. Apply a generous coating of grease to the ball housings."

Grease being invoked in the last step of the process, I suppose that the adjustment of the ball housing should be made dry, i.e. with no grease?

It is a bit strange to me as 3.18 kg force reduces to almost nothing when grease is applied, so the track-rod (aka as tie-rod) articulales almost freely then. :scratchheadyellow:

Thanks for your thoughts.

1967 S1(.25) OTS (well, bits of, so far...) (in french :thumbdown: sorry)

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