Jaguar diagram showing the location of the Gearbox Number

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#1 Jaguar diagram showing the location of the Gearbox Number

Post by Philk » Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:28 pm

I was recently flicking through a first edition Mark 10 Service Manual. This usefully highlighted the location of the gearbox number.


In the 3.8 E-Type service manual, there is no diagram but, as outlined in other posts, it references the gearbox number being on the same position on the gearbox casing and the top cover.

A timely reminder that, if you are ever looking to get a numbers matching S1 E-Type (which is not stripped down), you should get confirmation (preferably with a photograph) that the correct gearbox number is present on the gearbox casing as well as on the lid. A number of cars have had their gearbox cases swapped over the years whilst retaining the top cover which means the easier to access number will be correct but not the gearbox itself.
1964 S1 3.8 OTS

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