S3 E-type Steering Column

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#1 S3 E-type Steering Column

Post by ReconPilot » Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:32 pm

Researching information and need UK based S3 owners help. Trying to ascertain who (or how many) manufacturers were involved in making the upper steering column(s) for Jaguar.
Some information I've found so far:
One column was stamped Mfg by Saginaw. My take is Saginaw gear division UK?
Another set of columns were marked - 798 1119 1009 ; 798 1118 2182. Any clue as to the manufacturer?
One last item, the upper cast parts carried "DieKast" within a 4-sided diamond plus the numbers 797 4817.

Jaguar is very tight lipped as to supplier, even eons ago, so really no help there!

Any and all help, guidance, rabbit hole door key, etc.... would be most appreciated. :helpsos:

Happy Trails,

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